“Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress: Working hard for something we love is called passion.”

First of all, congrats for making it so far.

You are doing an incredible step to level up your financial game.

Take a second to acknowledge that.

Now, let’s go a bit deeper.

You need to know WHY you want to trade.

Trading is not (and should not be) the end game.

Instead, it is the means that will help you live to your fullest potential.

Remember, you are not here to 20x your account in 3 months and go live in the Bahamas sipping cocktails every day.

Instead, you are here because you want to build a structure that you are going to use in the next 15-20 years to free yourself financially and preserve the wealth you have created.

But as you know, every journey in life is full of hardship. And if you want to become successful, you will need to face those hard moments and react positively.

This is when having a strong WHY will be most valuable.